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Powdered Saw Palmetto
» Powdered Saw Palmetto is Saw Palmetto reduced to a fine or a very fine powder.
Packaging and storage— Preserve in tight containers, protected from light.
Labeling— The label states the Latin binomial and, following the official name, the part of the plant source from which the article was derived.
Other requirements— It responds to the Identification test and meets the requirements for Foreign organic matter, Loss on drying, Total ash, Acid-insoluble ash, Pesticide residues, Heavy metals, Volatile oil content, Microbial enumeration, Content of lipophilic extract, and Content of fatty acids under Saw Palmetto.
Auxiliary Information— Staff Liaison : Maged H. Sharaf, Ph.D., Senior Scientist
Expert Committee : (DSB05) Dietary Supplements - Botanicals
USP29–NF24 Page 2378
Phone Number : 1-301-816-8318