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Pyridostigmine Bromide
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C9H13BrN2O2 261.12

Pyridinium, 3-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-1-methyl-, bromide.
3-Hydroxy-1-methylpyridinium bromide dimethylcarbamate [101-26-8].
» Pyridostigmine Bromide contains not less than 98.5 percent and not more than 100.5 percent of C9H13BrN2O2, calculated on the dried basis.
Packaging and storage— Preserve in tight containers.
Solution: 35 µg per mL.
Medium: 0.1 N hydrochloric acid.
Absorptivities at 269 nm, calculated on the dried basis, do not differ by more than 3.0%.
C: To about 100 mg in a test tube add 0.6 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide: an orange color develops. When the mixture is heated, the color changes to yellow, and a strip of moistened red litmus paper held over the top of the test tube turns blue.
D: A solution (1 in 50) responds to tests for Bromide 191.
Melting range 741: between 154 and 157, the test specimen having been previously dried.
Loss on drying 731 Dry it in a suitable vacuum drying tube, using phosphorus pentoxide as the desiccant, at 100 for 4 hours: it loses not more than 2.0% of its weight.
Residue on ignition 281: not more than 0.1%.
Ordinary impurities 466
Test solution: methanol.
Standard solution: methanol.
Eluant: a mixture of methanol and water (1:1); the thin-layer chromatographic plate coating material is cellulose with a fluorescent indicator.
Visualization: 1.
Organic volatile impurities, Method I 467: meets the requirements.
Residual solvents 467: meets the requirements.
(Official January 1, 2007)
Assay— Dissolve about 850 mg of Pyridostigmine Bromide, accurately weighed, in 80 mL of glacial acetic acid. Add 25 mL of mercuric acetate TS and 2 drops of quinaldine red TS, and titrate with 0.1 N perchloric acid in dioxane VS to a colorless endpoint. Perform a blank determination, and make any necessary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 26.11 mg of C9H13BrN2O2.
Auxiliary Information— Staff Liaison : Ravi Ravichandran, Ph.D., Senior Scientist
Expert Committee : (MDPP05) Monograph Development-Psychiatrics and Psychoactives
USP29–NF24 Page 1868
Pharmacopeial Forum : Volume No. 29(6) Page 1977
Phone Number : 1-301-816-8330