Packaging and storage
Preserve in tight containers.
Ignite it: it leaves a residue that imparts a reddish purple color to a nonluminous flame.
A solution (1 in 10) responds to the tests for
Insoluble matter
Mix 500 mg of it with 3 mL of 6 N ammonium hydroxide: no undissolved residue remains.
Heat 500 mg of it with 5 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide: no ammonia odor is detected.
Heavy metals, Method I
Mix 2 g of it with 15 mL of water, and add 6 N ammonium hydroxide dropwise until solution is complete. Add 1 drop of phenolphthalein TS, and add just sufficient 1 N acetic acid dropwise to discharge the pink color. Add 2 mL of 1 N acetic acid, and dilute with water to 25 mL: the limit is 0.002%.
Dry about 6 g of Potassium Bitartrate at 105

for 3 hours, allow to cool, and weigh accurately. Dissolve in 100 mL of boiling water, add a few drops of
phenolphthalein TS, and titrate with 1 N sodium hydroxide VS to a pink endpoint. Perform a blank determination, and make any necessary correction. Each mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 188.2 mg of C
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison :
Elena Gonikberg, Ph.D., Scientist
Expert Committee : (MDGRE05) Monograph Development-Gastrointestinal Renal and Endocrine
USP29NF24 Page 1758
Pharmacopeial Forum : Volume No. 31(3) Page 786
Phone Number : 1-301-816-8251