Transfer 2.0 mL of Camphor Spirit to a suitable pressure bottle containing 50 mL of freshly prepared
dinitrophenylhydrazine TS. Close the pressure bottle, immerse it in a water bath, and maintain at about 75

for 16 hours. Cool to room temperature, and transfer the contents to a beaker with the aid of 100 mL of 3 N sulfuric acid. Allow to stand at room temperature for not less than 12 hours, transfer the precipitate to a tared filter crucible, and wash with 100 mL of 3 N sulfuric acid followed by 75 mL of cold water in divided portions. Continue the suction until the excess water is removed, dry the crucible and precipitate at 80

for 2 hours, cool, and weigh. The weight of the precipitate so obtained, multiplied by 0.4581, represents the weight of C
16O in the specimen taken.